Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


The International Doctoral Program in Science offer fellowships based on specific projects.

Each project has its own selection committee, that will evaluate only the candidates that applied to its project.

Selection procedure

The official Call for Applications (Bando di Concorso) is the step assigning the fellowship. The call are published in the Italian Official Journal (Gazzetta Ufficiale) and also posted on the University and on the PhD Program websites.

Candidates who wish to complete the application are required to pay a € 100 fee. Payment requires the usage of a credit card. Details about payment methods are available in the official Call for Applications.

For further information on the Application procedure, please do not hesitate to contact: phd.science@unicatt.it

Qualifications and Documents

The following important documents should be uploaded in the pre-application stage:

  • ID/Passport
  • CV/résumé
  • Academic qualifications

Each applicant is required to clearly mention a contact in her/his CV for allowing the selection committee to interview her/him, if deemed necessary.

The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore does not take any responsibility in the case of mailing delays or of documents losses due to incorrect or incomplete handling by candidates.
Information concerning: Composition of the Selection Committee, Selection procedure, Scholarships, Rights and Duties of Doctoral Students, Awarding of degrees, Acts and documents written in a foreign language, and other relevant issues are contained in the official call, have been published in the Italian Official Journal (Gazzetta Ufficiale) and uploaded to the Ph.D. website in due time.

For further scientific information contact the project supervisors.