Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Doctoral School on the Agro-Food System

A doctorate is the highest academic degree in the Italian education system


Agrisystem represents an innovative and unique experience in Italy. By means of a close integration of research and training it aims to train future experts in the field; professionals with skills going across the biology-agriculture- economics and law sector, able to meet the new demands of the companies working in the Agro-Food sector.

Director: Prof. Paolo Ajmone Marsan

Final Exams

Call for admission 2024

How to apply

Deadline: July 30th 2024

Welcome Day PhD cycle 39

An Agrisystem lawyer's story "from book to field". How a passion turned into a carrer

Beatrice La Porta
Ph.D. in Agro-Food System, Lawyer Founding Partner at JSLstudio, Adjunct Professor of Food Trade and safety legislation at Università degli Studi di Palermo

There and back again: an Agrisystem's tale

Ezequiel Luis Nicolazzi
Ph.D. in Agro-Food System, Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), USA

From Piacenza to the Word: How a PhD Program can Become a Key to success for an International Career

Francesco Planchenstainer, Ph.D. in Agro-Food System, Food Regulatory & Compliance Director - Ferrero USA

From Cattolica to Bruxelles

Alexandru Vasile Marchis, Ph.D. in Agro-Food System,  Head of Brussels Office UniLion

Dalla Food Valley italiana agli States

Giovanni Sogari, dottore di ricerca Agrisystem, ha vinto la borsa Marie Curie ed è visiting fellow alla Cornell University
Vai all'articolo

Agrisystem Ph.D. Day 2022

Friday, May 27 2022


Ph.D. students

International Horticultural Congress

Caterina Capri and Francesca Grisafi, PhD students awarded



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