Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore



This section celebrates the achievements of our PhD students and their contributions to the respective fields.





Federica Bonazza

Award: Best Poster Presentation

Attributed by: XIV National SIPSA Congress (Cagliari, Italy - 25-27 May 2023)

Title of the project: Sequele psicologiche e crescita post- traumatica nei pazienti COVID-19: Uno studio longitudinale a sei mesi dopo la dimissione


Valentina Poletti

Award: Clean Air Grant “Healthy Lungs for Life (HLfL)”

Attributed by: European Respiratory Society (2023)

Title of the project: Breath of Life: Empowering Respiratory Health Awareness in Milan





Francesca De Salve

Award: Young Researcher award

Attributed by: 54th International Annual Meeting, Society for Psychotherapy Research - Italian Area Group, SPR-IAG (Dublin, Ireland - 21-24 June 2023)

Title of the project: Mentalizing in Patients with At-Risk Mental States (ARMS): A Systematic Review of its Role in the psychotic onset


Award: Premio nazionale Angelo Cocchi

Attributed by: IX Congresso Nazionale, Associazione Italiana Intervento Precoce nella Salute (AIPP) (Bari, Italy - 27-29 September 2023)

Title of the project: Personality Traits and Transition to psychosis one year after the First Assessment


Giacomo Andrea Minazzi

Award: Best Mini-Talk

Attributed by: XXII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Psicologia (AIP) - Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica (Padova, Italy - 27-29 September 2022)

Title of the project: Yoga e riabilitazione psichiatrica: uno studio esplorativo


Sara Petrilli

Award: Fédération EPN-R

Attributed by: Université Paris Nanterre (2023)

Title of the project: Luoghi del lavoro nel new normal: analisi dei processi identitari e di senso dei lavoratori che sperimentano modalità e nuove configurazioni di lavoro


Maria Sansoni

Award: Supervisor of the Junior Researcher Program (2022-2023)

Attributed by: Cambridge University (UK) and Columbia University (USA)

Title of the project: Instagram filters and Psychological Well-being: How to protect users from Social Media Perfection


Ester Tommasini

Award: Best Young Speaker

Attributed by: 2023 Padua Days on Muscle and Mobiliy Medicine (March 29 - April 1, 2023)

Title of the project: Psychological sequelae and post-traumatic growth in COVID-19 patients: A longitudinal study at six months post-discharge


Harriet Pinel

Award: Top Presenter Award

Attributed by: Early Career Marathon of IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) (Online, 11-12 Novembre 2023).

Title of the project: Nudge Interventions to Promote Sustainable Behaviors in Organizations





Laura Colautti

Award: Best Poster Presentation

Attributed by: XVI Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento, Società Italiana di Psicologia dell’Invecchiamento (SIPI) (Pavia, Italy - 26-27 May 2023)

Title of the project: Il potenziale ruolo della creatività nel benessere psicologico dell’anziano: proposta di un training per favorire un invecchiamento attivo


Giulia Sesini

Award: Top Presenter Award

Attributed by: Early Career Marathon of IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) (Online, 1-2 October 2022).

Title of the project: The affective dimension of money: a multi-methods perspective


Award: Invited Key-Note Speaker

Attributed by: Early Career Marathon of IAAP (International Association of Applied Psychology) (Online, 11-12 November 2023).

Title of the project: Gender and Money: unveiling gender differences in money management and meanings


Denise Vagnini

Award: Best Poster Presentation

Attributed by: XXII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Psicologia (AIP) - Sezione di Psicologia Clinica e Dinamica (Lecce, Italy - 17-19 September 2023)

Title of the project: Effects of the “Maudsley eating disorder collaborative care skills intervention” on parental dyadic coping


Award: Best Oral Presentation

Attributed by: The 17th HETI International Congress – Federation of Horses in Education & Therapy International (Seoul, Korea - 7-10 June 2021)

Title of the project: Influence of equine facilitated psychological support on the psychological wellbeing of healthcare workers during the initial phase of the phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy