Call for paper

DEFAP/LASER Summer school in
Applied Microeconometrics
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Milan (Italy), 9th - 13th June, 2014
The DEFAP-LASER Summer school in Applied Microeconometrics will take place at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, Italy. The DEFAP-LASER Doctoral School has recently started a tradition of Summer Schools supported by a grant of the Fondazione Cariplo. A first Summer school in "Theoretical and empirical advanced macroeconomics" was hosted by the Università di Pavia in 2012.
The objective of the Summer school is to bring together PhD students to study and discuss methods and applications in Applied Microeconometrics, with an interest in the fields of Policy Evaluation, Labor, Education, Health, Development Economics, Public Economics as well as related fields. There will be lectures given by two distinguished scholars, while students will have the opportunity to present their work and discuss ideas in a comfortable atmosphere. The School is open to PhD students, Post-doc
researchers, Academics and Scholars from institutions and Central banks. Around 40 participants will be selected, on the basis of their CV and the paper to be presented.
Keynote speakers:
Petra Elisabeth Todd (University of Pennsylvania), "Methods for Policy Evaluation"
Professor at the University of Pennsylvania Economics Department and Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. Her fields of interest are program evaluation and microeconometrics. She has published papers on schooling quality and
earnings, on econometric methods for evaluating effects of labor market interventions, on modeling the determinants of cognitive achievement, on testing for discrimination in motor vehicle searches, and on understanding the sources of racial disparities in wages. She has also served as a consultant for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Fund, the International Food Policy Research Institute and the US Department of Justice on projects related to evaluation of social programs in developing countries or the measurement of discrimination.
Marteen Lindeboom (University of Amsterdam), "Health, income and work across the life cycle"
Professor of Economics at VU University Amsterdam and Research fellow of the Tinbergen Institute, the Dutch National Network on Economics and Econometrics, IZA and HEB at Bergen University. He held positions at Leiden University and at Tilburg University. His
research interests are Health and Labor economics, in particular issues related to Health and Work. Recently he has published papers on pensions and aging, on the relationship between health and income, as well as work and care over the life-cycle.
Call for Applications
The course lasts from Monday 9th to Friday 13th June 2014. There will be four hours classes per day and paper presentation by the participants. In order to apply, please send the application form, a copy of the CV and a reference letter from the supervisor to by 15th April, 2014.Those wishing to present a paper should also send an electronic copy of the paper (or an extended abstract). Applications will be evaluated by the program directors and candidates will be notified by 30th April, 2014. Applicants not interested in presenting a paper will be considered only once the presentation schedule is completed.
At the end of the Summer School, students will receive a certificate of participation.
Fees and Accommodation
The subscription and participation fee to the School is 850,00 Euro and includes subscription costs, coffee breaks, lunches, social events and the social dinner. A reduced fee of 400 euro applies to Defap/Laser PhD students.
Several scholarships for total or partial reduction of the fee are available, and will be awarded, upon application, to admitted students. It is recommended to register as soon as possible.
Accommodation and travel costs are not funded and participants should arrange by themselves.
Reduced rate accommodations in University residence hall are available, on a first come-first served basis, and in Hotels nearby. For further information, visit the Summer school web page (
Organizing committee:
Prof. Gianluca Femminis, Prof. Claudio Lucifora and Prof. Matteo Manera
Defap/LASER Summer School secretariat:
Ms. Susanna Taraschi
Tel. 02.7234.2587 / Fax. 02.7234.2781
Web site:
Call for Applications (177,37 KB)
Brochure (276,47 KB)