Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The second law of thermodynamics from symmetry and unitarity

  The second law of thermodynamics from symmetry and unitarity

Giovedì 13 luglio 2017
Sala Riunioni, ore 11.30
Via dei Musei 41 - Brescia

Prof. Giuseppe Nardelli
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Dott. Paolo GLORIOSO
University of Chicago

I will show how the notion of entropy production emerges from basic properties of quantum field theory. For this purpose I will introduce a general non-equilibrium effective field theory of slow degrees of freedom of a quantum many-body system. The key ingredients are unitarity of the microscopic theory, and a Z_2 symmetry, which is associated to the presence of local equilibrium. As an example, I will show how the entropy current emerges from our recent effective field theory formulation of hydrodynamics.

La locandina (pdf)